frequently asked questions

Q: How is Cleen Green different from all other cleaning companies?

A: We don’t charge an hourly rate. We believe providing the best service and best quality is what is most important. We provide the highest quality of clean for the service you choose no matter how much time it takes.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed with our 48 Final Cleen Guarantee™: If any areas cleaned need final touches, call us within 48hrs. We’ll come back to provide a Final Cleen™ for FREE.

No one’s ever called us back for a Final Cleen™, because we provide the best cleaning service the first time!

  • 1 - Q: Why should I trust Cleen Green’s cleaning experts?

    A: All of our employees undergo extensive background checks and must not have any felony convictions, criminal record of theft or fraud, and must be drug free.

    2 - Q: Is satisfaction guaranteed?

    A: We provide the highest quality of housekeeping services and guarantee it with our 48hr Final Cleen Guarantee™.

    Here’s what a Reno property owner had to say about our services, Cleen Green was “at our rental house for 5 hours! In the end it was sparkling clean and fresh smelling. We would highly recommend Cleen Green services and would be happy to use them again.” Reviews

    3 - Q: What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

    A: We have combined 60yrs cleaning experience using tried and true methods for providing the best clean with the least amount of wear. Additionally, we have over 60yrs of customer service experience. working with diverse demographics. We also have 15yrs pressure washing experience. We are People-Oriented, first and always.

    4 - Q: What types of customers has Cleen Green worked with?

    4 - A: We work for exclusive clients, who only settle for the highest standard. Which is why we have a 48hr Final Cleen Guarantee: If any areas we've cleaned need final touches, call us within 48hrs. We'll come back and add those final details for FREE.

    5 - Q: How did you get started doing this type of work?

    5 - A: We've always felt a home should be clean, neat and orderly. A clean home is a healthier home and alleviates anxiety and stress.

    We specifically started Cleen Green to provide eco-conscious people with a cleaning company that minimizes its impact on our planet by using eco-safe products free of carcinogens, reproductive/developmental toxins, and toxins harmful to aquatic life.

    6 - Q: What is a recent cleaning we provided that we are proud of? How long did it take?

    6 - A: We recently provided a deep cleaning service to an elderly client. She was 92 years young and hadn’t been able to do much cleaning in the past 15 years due to mobility challenges.

    Two of Cleen Green’s cleaning experts, Robert and Terrance, spent a total of 10 hours thoroughly cleaning up dust, cobwebs and grease that had accumulated over the years. Cleen Green’s cleaning experts were enamored to see the client’s face when she saw the total transformation of her home. Not only was her home cleaner, but it was also a healthier home to live in. Because a home’s surfaces can harbor harmful viruses and bacteria that can remain for up to 5 months.

  • 1 - Q: What advice would we give to someone looking to hire a cleaning company in Reno, Sparks or Washoe County, Nevada?

    A: We recommend not settling for in-and-out cleaning companies. Quality is never quick. All other housekeeping companies charge hourly, so if they’re not efficient, you’ll pay more.

    Ask the cleaning company what exactly will a service include. Will they clean baseboards? Will they clean windows, window frames, and window sills? Will they move my furniture to clean behind and underneath?

    Am I really getting the best service for what I'm paying?

    2 - Q: What questions should customers think through before hiring someone to clean their home or business?

    A: What does clean mean to me? When was the last time my home or business was deep cleaned, got all the nooks, crannies and hard to reach areas cleaned?

    Do I have large items, such as large plants and statues, that need to be moved so all areas can be cleaned?

    Do I have pets? Is my home or business in a gated community that needs an access code for entry?

    Are there vaulted ceilings in my home or business? Will someone be there to let the housekeeper in?

    3 - Q: Do I have to be present when a housekeeper comes to my home or business for housekeeping services?

    A: No. We can arrange a key agreement, so a cleaning expert can provide housekeeping services while you’re away from home

    4 - Q: What is Cleen Green’s typical process for working with a new customer?

    A: We'll assess what you need and find the service that best matches. We can do this via text, but we're a bit old fashioned and still love to talk with our customers over the phone. For some assessments, we may need one of our uniformed, professional assessors to come to your home or business in order to more accurately determine how we can provide the best services to you.

  • 1 - Q: What does EPA Safer Choice® mean?

    A: EPA Safer Choice® is a certification given to products that are safe for people, safe for pets and safe for our planet. According to the EPA, “Every ingredient must meet strict safety criteria for both human health and the environment, including carcinogenicity, reproductive/developmental toxicity, toxicity to aquatic life, and persistence in the environment.” Learn more about EPA Safer Choice®

    2 - Q: What are some enviro-friendly products I can use to clean my home or business?

    A: Some of the cleaning products you can use, that we use too, meet EPA Safer Choice® requirements, like all Simple Green products, BioKleen window cleaner, and Krud Kutter.

    3 - Q: How is Cleen Green an eco-friendly housekeeping company?

    A: Cleen Green is an eco-friendly housekeeping company, because we strive to only use EPA Safer Choice® cleaning products. We also use upcycled surgical towels for cleaning rags. And we use Howard’s Feed and Wax, which is a bees wax and citrus based wood polisher and conditioner.

    4 - Q: What is the best way to clean baked on grease (carbon build up) on a stove?

    A: White vinegar’s acidity helps to break down baked-on grease and debris. Try spraying it directly on the grease stain, first, and wiping clean with a rag. A stronger solution can be made by making a paste of baking soda and vinegar, mix two parts baking soda to one part vinegar, to make a spreadable paste that you can use to cover those hard spots on the interior and top of the oven. For really hard baked on grease, we recommend using a pumice stone, such as Pumie’s cleaning stone.

    5 - Q: What is the best way to clean the stain ring in my toilet?

    A: A pumice stone would be the best recommendation and quickest way to get rid of stain rings.

    6 - Q: What is an enviro-friendly product that I can use to clean my windows or mirrors and get them streak-free?

    A: A one to one (1:1) mixture of rubbing alcohol, ideally the higher the percentage the better, and additive free (no added minerals) distilled water will cut through most smears on glass. And because the mix is 50% alcohol, you’ll notice that the liquid will evaporate fairly quickly and leave a streak-free surface.

  • 1 - Q: Do we offer discounts?

    A: Yes. We provide a 10% discount to seniors and people with disabilities, even if someone is temporarily disabled due to an injury. We also provide a 10% discount for weekly cleaning services and a 5% discount for biweekly services. Discounts

    2 - Q: Can discounts be combined?

    A: Yes. We do combine discounts for seniors and people with disabilities. Seniors and people with disabilities are provided a combined 20% discount for weekly services and a combined 15% discount for biweekly services. Discounts

  • 1 - Q: In my home, what type of cleaning will Cleen Green do for a basic or standard cleaning?

    A: Standard cleaning—also known as basic cleaning or regular cleaning—consists of all the tasks that should be done on a regular basis to keep a home fresh and well-organized, such as vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cleaning inside of toilet bowl, and wiping down surfaces. See Our services to learn more.

    2 - Q: In my home, what type of cleaning will Cleen Green do for a deep cleaning?

    A: Deep cleaning should occur two or three times a year. This service involves a lot more detail and attending to all those nooks and crannies, which are often overlooked or are simply harder to get to than with a standard cleaning, that accumulate dirt, grime, and other build-up. Areas such as baseboards, tops of cabinets, window frames and tracks are cleaned with a deep cleaning service. See Our services to learn more.

    3 - Q: In my home, what type of cleaning will Cleen Green do for a move in/out cleaning?

    A: Move in/out cleaning is done prior to moving in or out of your home. This cleaning involves all the work of a deep cleaning plus fully cleaning inside of closets, cabinets, and walls. See Our services to learn more.

    4 - Q: At my business, what type of cleaning will Cleen Green do for a standard cleaning?

    A: Standard cleaning—also known as basic cleaning or regular cleaning—consists of all the tasks that should be done on a regular basis to keep a business fresh, clean and sanitary, such as vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cleaning inside of toilet bowl, and disinfecting surfaces. See Our services to learn more.

    5 - Q: At my business, what type of cleaning will Cleen Green do for a deep cleaning?

    A: Deep cleaning should occur two or three times a year. This service involves a lot more detail and attending to all those nooks and crannies, which are often overlooked or are simply harder to get to than with a standard cleaning, that accumulate dirt, grime, and other build-up. Areas such as baseboards, tops of cabinets, window frames and tracks, behind and underneath easily moved furniture and equipment are cleaned with a deep cleaning service. See Our services to learn more

    6 - Q: At my business, what type of cleaning will Cleen Green do for a move in/out cleaning?

    A: Move in/out cleaning is done prior to moving in or out of your business. This cleaning involves all the work of a deep cleaning plus fully cleaning inside of closets, cabinets, and walls. See Our services to learn more.